Why is it important for women to make their own decisions about fibroid treatments?

It is important for women to make their own treatment decisions because it improves the quality of care. Patients are more likely to follow medical advice if they feel that they have been given a choice and an opportunity to participate in the decision-making process. We empower you to make decisions that improve your life.

Making one’s own treatment decisions is a crucial part of taking control of one’s own health and well-being. Patients are the experts on their own bodies, experiences, and needs, and it is important for you to feel that they have the power to make the choices that are best for you.

When patients are given the opportunity to make their own decisions about their treatment, it also helps doctors understand what is most important to them. This can be helpful when trying to create a plan for care that works for both parties involved in the relationship between patient and physician.

When you’re involved in your own treatment, it helps ensure that:

  • You understand your options, and the risks involved with each option, when deciding on a treatment plan.
  • You’re informed of any changes to your treatment plan as they occur.
  • Your questions are answered by your doctor or another qualified professional.

Doctors can advise you and help you make decisions, but ultimately, if a treatment option doesn’t feel right or makes you uncomfortable, you to have the freedom to say so.

doctor explaining uterine fibroid embolization to patient

How does patient decision-making help with outcomes?

When you are given more control over their healthcare, you are more likely to follow through with treatment plans. Giving patients more power over their own medical decisions can help improve outcomes for everyone involved. 

Making your own treatment decisions is important because it helps you take an active role in your health. As a patient, you can feel more confident in the choices you make because they’re yours.


Fibroids and Treatment Decisions 

Uterine fibroids affect women differently. Some women have fibroids, but no symptoms or issues. Others have prolonged menstrual periods, sometimes with clots, anemia, or pain during sexual intercourse. It is possible to have pain and pressure between the hip bones and in the back of the legs, frequent urination, and constipation or bloating, sometimes with an enlarged belly. 

Treatments range from a complete hysterectomy to a myomectomy, or the Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE), which we offer here.  

Because each patient is unique, and fibroids affect each patient so differently, it is important to consult with our doctors and make an informed decision about treatment.


What if Fibroids are affecting childbearing? 

Dr. Shah recently addressed this question in a video to our patients. He says that as compared to the alternative surgical treatments for uterine fibroids, UFE is “uterus-sparing.” Leaving the uterus in place preserves the chance of becoming pregnant for those women who desire to have children.

Women whose childbearing ability is affected, or potentially affected, by fibroids need all of the information and advice possible to make their own informed decision about the UFE or another treatment. 

You deserve to be informed and supported throughout the entire process and beyond. We care for you as a person. Here at Preferred Fibroid and Vascular Center, the entire experience, from the first call to the follow-up, is built around you and your needs. We are here to help improve your life and allow you to live life to the fullest.


An informative and caring process

Our patients want to make informed decisions about treatment with a trusted, world-class medical group that supports an effective pain management plan.

We have responded with processes that are minimally invasive and limit your loss of work and personal time. Our experienced physicians and staff keep you informed at each step of the process.

We always provide a personalized evaluation, treatment, and pain management plan. Our support continues after treatment with a comprehensive follow up plan.

Reach out to us today.