What do women with fibroids search for online?
We all use search engines to find information when we need it. Who hasn’t looked for local restaurants, or searched for reviews of products, or sought information about treatment options for a medical issue?
Women with fibroids search for answers on popular search engines. We are always trying to better serve our patients, so we recently did an informal study of what women are asking when they search for information about fibroids. Below are some of the terms and questions women are asking online, and some responses:

What are fibroids?
Uterine fibroids are non-cancerous growths that form in or around the uterus. They’re also called leiomyomas or myomas because they are made of uterine muscle cells. Fibroids can develop in women of any age, but they’re most common during a woman’s childbearing years. They can cause no or mild symptoms or can be much more symptomatic. Some women have heavy menstrual bleeding and painful periods, as well as frequent urination and constipation.
Fibroids can be located anywhere in the uterus, but they most often occur on the inside of the uterus near its opening. Fibroids can also grow on the outer surface of the uterus or on its lining.
Fibroids can vary in size, shape and texture. Some fibroids feel like pea-sized lumps while others are larger than golf balls. The texture of fibroids also varies: some feel firm, others are soft and spongy.
African-American women are most likely to develop fibroids followed by those of Hispanic heritage and Asians. Learn more.
I have fibroids – now what?
Uterine fibroids affect women differently. Some women have fibroids, but no symptoms or issues. Others have prolonged menstrual periods, sometimes with clots, anemia (low red blood cell counts from blood loss), or pain during sexual intercourse. It is possible to have pain and pressure between the hip bones and in the back of the legs, frequent urination, and constipation or bloating, sometimes with an enlarged belly.
Surgical treatments range from removal of the fibroid (myomectomy) to a complete hysterectomy (removal of the uterus). At Preferred, we offer a minimally invasive, non-surgical alternative called Uterine Fibroid Embolization (UFE).
Because each patient is unique, and fibroids affect each patient differently, it is important to consult with our doctors and make an informed decision about treatment. Learn more.
I have fibroids – can I get pregnant?
It’s common for women to experience fibroids while they’re trying to get pregnant. In fact, up to 80% of women have fibroids by the time they reach menopause. Most of the time, these growths don’t affect fertility or pregnancy at all—but if you have a large one, one located in a challenging area, or one that is causing serious symptoms like heavy bleeding or pelvic pain, it may impact your ability to become pregnant or carry to term. Learn More.
I have fibroids with heavy bleeding.
Symptoms of fibroids can include anything from heavy and/or prolonged menstrual periods, sometimes with clots, to an enlarged belly to frequent urination. Many of the symptoms can interfere with daily living and work. Some of them cause women who experience them to stay home more often, to avoid normal activities, or even to miss work more often. In fact, studies have shown that missed work hours due to fibroid symptoms cost our nation billions of dollars a year! Learn more.
What are the best treatments for fibroids?
Fibroids are common, and they can cause a variety of symptoms in women. If you have fibroids, it’s important to talk with your doctor about treatment options that are right for you.
Treatments include surgical options such as a myomectomy or hysterectomy. Women who experience the symptoms of fibroids should consult with their doctor about treatment options.
Some women choose UFE when possible because they need a faster return to work or other activities and the faster recovery time allows them to be back at work sooner. Because UFE allows a woman to keep her uterus, some women choose UFE to keep the option to have children possible.
The UFE can sometimes be the right procedure to address fibroids. For many women who experience common symptoms of fibroids like pelvic pain, heavy bleeding or even infertility, UFE is a less invasive option than a hysterectomy. When it is an option, it can make a real difference. Learn more.
Your search for help brought you here.
You can turn to us for a consultation about your fibroids and any symptoms you are experiencing.
Our patients want to make informed decisions about treatment with a trusted, world-class medical group that supports an effective pain management plan.
We have responded with processes that are minimally invasive and limit your loss of work and personal time. Our experienced physicians and staff keep you informed at each step of the process.
We always provide a personalized evaluation, treatment, and pain management plan. Our support continues after treatment with a comprehensive follow-up plan.